Prestigious-Humbly Transport The overwhelming feelings of despair, disbelief, shock, and numbness caused by the passing of a loved one cannot be conveyed by mere words. Even when the death is expected, the pain that loss brings can still be devastating. In truth, no one is completely prepared for the death of someone close to their heart.
360 Mortuary Transport Services LLC provides an Prestigious-Humbly transportation process for the deceased:
to Final Resting Place
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(50 miles)
to Funeral Home / Crematory
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(50 miles)
to Funeral Home / Crematory and Final Resting Place
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(50 miles)
Transports outside the 50 mile radius:
$2.00 per loaded mile additional Transports are available out of state: Price will be quoted on a specific case basis. 360 Mortuary Transport Services LLC provides information on military honors as well as burial at National Cemeteries.
Terms of Services:
The services provided by,360 Mortuary Transport Services LLC., shall include an 360MTS representative, to arrive at the location of the decedent. In a timely manner.If needed, a second 360MTS representative can be on scene to assist in the removal of the decedent.The decedent will be taken into 360MTS’s care. Then transported by 360MTS representative, to the designated funeral home. By this agreement. 360MTS representative will transport the decedent in a dignified, timely matter, and in an appropriate 360MTS transport vehicle. The payment for these services provided by 360MTS are as follows:- No more than 30 days after the performance of the transport of the decedent, from the death location, to the funeral home, and/or to final resting place directed by in this agreement.- These fees are Non-refundable. (Except by the specific direction of the undersigned. Who may terminate this service agreement. Upon termination in writing, a full refund will be provided by 360MTS.) We document any and all personal effects of the decedent and initiate proper release forms. We offer immediate email and fax invoicing, which allows you to receive your invoice of our costs before the family arrives to finalize arrangements. You will know completely our final bill and how to charge the family before they arrive to meet with you for funeral arrangements. You will receive copies of all documentation upon delivery. Acknowledgment and Understanding: The undersigned or family member, acknowledges the right to arrange for the transportation, upon death and by entry of his or her signature below, does authorize 360MTS services to be provided for, in this agreement.
Payment Option
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